Avv. Daniele Vagnozzi


Born in 1962, he graduated in Law from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1987 with a grade of 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis in administrative law entitled “L’indennità d'esproprio alla luce della recente giurisprudenza”.
He has been a member of the Bar Association (formerly a solicitor) since January 1992 and a member of the Special Register of Cassation Lawyers since 2004.
He cooperates with VILDE since 2006, of which He is now a Partner and specifically coordinates the judicial activity of the Rome seat.
His areas of expertise cover judicial matters in front of civil and administrative courthouses and concerning arbitrations, especially about public procurement and public services matters.
He is well-versed in national and European legislation on public contracts.
Author of several publications on administrative, substantive, and procedural law, He is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars on public procurement and the administrative process.

Lingua straniera/Languages: Inglese